The 12th Annual
Woodruff Arts Center
Educator Convening:
Constructing Transformative Spaces

Woodruff Arts Center Educator Convening:
Constructing Transformative Spaces
Saturday, June 7, 2025
Presented by the Alliance Theatre, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, and High Museum of Art, the 12th Annual Woodruff Arts Center Educator Convening: Constructing Transformative Spaces will occur on Saturday, June 7, 2025. Designed to serve educators of all grade levels (Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12) and all content areas, this one-day, evening event will explore best practices and innovations in arts education while providing educators exclusive access to world-class art, as well as meaningful opportunities to connect with fellow educators and related professionals.
Learn more: the Woodruff Arts Center’s Experience Atlanta, Experience Woodruff capital campaign is generating support for new, transformative spaces, including the Goizueta Stage for Youth & Families and PNC PlaySpace.
Online registration is now open! Individual tickets cost $50/person and offer access to all Educator Convening events, including select Alliance Theatre and Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performances, as well as exclusive access to the High Museum of Art.
Participants are advised not to add additional packages (such as parking) to their Educator Convening registration order. Our team will communicate parking details and discounts directly with registered guests as the event approaches.
Group Attendance
Woodruff Arts Center Educator Convening:
Constructing Transformative Spaces
Saturday, June 7, 2025
Convening Schedule
3:00 – 4:00 PM | Check-In & Arrival |
4:00 – 4:15 PM | Transition |
4:15 – 5:45 PM | Large Format Breakout Sessions |
5:45 – 6:00 PM | Transition |
6:00 – 7:15 PM | Reception at the High Museum of Art (dinner provided) |
7:00 PM | Transition to Experience the Art:
Keynote Speaker
Christy Todd, 2024 Georgia Teacher of the Year
Named the 2024 Georgia Teacher of the Year, Christy Todd is a music technology teacher who believes every child has a creative superpower.
In addition to teaching classes at Rising Starr Middle School in Fayetteville, Georgia, Todd is the founder of her district’s Community for Creativity initiative, supporting schoolwide creation of songs, podcasts, videos, audio books and more, which are released through the school’s recording label, Hall Pass Entertainment. Passionate about building opportunities for all students to create, Todd launched a special music collaboration between fine arts and special education classrooms that has impacted more than 10,000 students over the last 15 years.
Prior to teaching, Todd worked in business development in the nonprofit sector and draws from that experience to build connections between students, colleagues, families and communities. She began her teaching career as a chorus director and still actively conducts honor choirs, along with publishing articles and research for various state, national and international education journals.
Todd’s career recognitions include 2013 Grammy Music Teacher of the Year National Quarterfinalist, 2016 Georgia Middle School Association’s Teacher of the Year, 2022 Fayette County Public Schools Teacher of the Year, and was recently named one of four nationwide finalists for 2024 National Teacher of the Year. Todd received a Bachelor of Music Education from Shorter College, a Master of Music Education from Florida State University, and currently resides in Griffin, GA.
Professional Learning Hours
The 12th annual Woodruff Arts Center Educator Convening will offer up to seven hours of in-person professional learning. Following the event, the Woodruff Arts Center will provide participants with a certificate to document the total number of professional learning hours completed. Please note that professional learning requirements vary by district and school. As such, we defer to Educator Convening attendees to coordinate with their district and school to confirm that the Educator Convening meets their specific requirements.
Connect and Share: #WACEdConf24
Let your friends and colleagues know that you plan to attend the Woodruff Arts Center Educator Conference! We look forward to following your updates and insights on social media.
Tag us at:
@alliancetheatre | @atlantasymphony | @HighMuseumofArt
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